What does it really mean to be a Feminist?

I've come to realize that there are way too many misconceptions of what feminism is and what it means to be a feminist. To break it down, feminism is a movement aimed at supporting, defining and defending political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. A feminist is someone who advocates and/or supports these rights. Very simple. …

Political Pet Peeves: #1-Ignorant Black Republicans

Seeing as how Election time is coming I decided to start a series of Political Pet Peeves because, well, in short, I got a lot to say! And anyone who follows politics even a lil, knows how much shyt Politicians and our corrupt Government gives us to dissect and rant about. Now I must preface …

So, rich folks want poor kids to stop trick or treating in their neighborhoods!

Ahh.. Just when you think that by this time, in 2014, you've seen and heard just about all the ignorance someone could possibly dream up, lo and behold, ignorance knows no bounds! I came across this on Twitter. Just take a minute and read this over: Dear Prudence, I live in one of the wealthiest …

What it means to be a Black Woman

We have been conditioned, through enslavement, physical and mental abuse, and the subliminal messages that feeds us programming that informs us what being a Black woman "really" means. In other words, to be a Black woman means to be marginalized, disrespected, lazy, loud, ghetto, sex objects, uneducated, naïve, gullible, defensive, judgmental, opinionated, men haters, and …

Protect your right to choose- abortion rights are under siege!

The issue of abortion has always been and will always be an extremely sensitive and controversial topic, and it's a subject that can rarely be discussed in an objective way because almost always someone gets offended by the opinions or remarks of someone who thinks and feels differently. As of right now, the country is …

Indigo Fall

Fall into reflection

The Black Brady Bunch

The modern, queer Black blended family with lots of love, laughs and wine!

Not-So-Modern Girl

Thoughts of a twenty-something freelancer navigating her way one blog post at a time

Lara Briden - The Period Revolutionary

Leading the change to better periods and hormones

Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds

Apple-Obsessed Author Fella


A little corner in the middle of NOWHERE. Not far from SOMEWHERE. That you can find ANYWHERE

ForenSeek - Mysteries, Crimes, Curiosities

A Night Side Gallery of Thoughts, Stories and Interviews.

Jay Entertainment

Entertainment & Lifestyle Blog


Because we’re all recovering from something.

Keni Ribeiro

...award winning blog of Ghanaian stories by Maukeni Padiki Ribeiro

The Most Revolutionary Act

Uncensored updates on world events, economics, the environment and medicine

by iyana edouard

"Nothing will ruin your twenties more than thinking you should have your life together already." - unkown

Im ashamed to die until i have won some victory for humanity.

Domenic Garisto / LIFE IS NOT A REHERSAL,SO LIVE IT..if you can't be the poet, be the poem..havau22.com


A blog full of humorous and poignant observations.